Thursday, 15 November 2007

My parent’s Opinions
My parents have many opinions about society, politic, work etc.
The opinions about society are they boring Thai society. They think the Thai society do not has moral in this society. They boring to hear news about kill, rape etc. They are thinking the society is bad. My mother has much moment in roads. She hates a people who not do follow traffic rules. They drove a car by not interest people in other cars.
My uncle always uses public bus. He is boring about bad bus and bad service of driver. He says to me every day. I think he said that true. I do not like some bus in Bangkok because it is bad for passenger.
My father hates students who do not follow school rule. He hates peoples who do not follow law exactly. He say to me do not escape to study military every Monday. He said that do not escapes follow your friends. He said that do not corruption with teachers.
My uncle says to me that the escaping from school when you do it is a lowest dignity thing. Because, it is total I do not respect teachers and my parents
Most of my parents opinions about society, I agree with my parents, such as the public bus.
About politic of Thailand, they are boring to hear about corruption. They do not give opinions about that a lots. They do not cheer some politic party. Such as, they do not cheer Thaksin or Apisit. They are boring to know politic news. They do not want to know the news about opinions But, I do not agree with my parents about it. My opinion is we should know the news and do not boring it.
About work, my father said Thailand does not have work for me. Some work such as aviation engineer, it is not open opportunities for formal people it only for cadet. Some work he think I should do it at America. I want to be aviation engineer, he say I should go to work and study it in America.

Monday, 5 November 2007

How do you feel when you do something special or important

Nowadays, I have a lot of special things . I like to do a special things. When I did special thing, I felt ecited but that i felt like that. I like to show special thing in myself by doing a special thing.
My life that I have education at this school, they gave opportunities for do important and special things a lot. Because I like to do it, they support me for me about special thing.
When I did the important thing such as examination sometimes I feel nervous, sometimes I feel good, after that I would feel nervous or fear and worry about the result.Most of my emotion is eciting, I try to think that everything in this world is good such as my examination result.
I do not feel good with all important things. Somthing when I did it, I feel pressure, because it was important. I think if I cannot do it, I may give myself problem for me. So, I will feel worried and think environment pressure me to do it successful. Sometimes I feel. If it is not a success, I will die. Sometime myself is the thing that show about it will be a success or not. I will worry if I have this situation like that.
In my opinion, I think when people do special or important are good. Because, If they passed the moment that they do an important thing, they will have special skill like my experience about important things that I must and should do.

How do you feel when you do something special or important

Nowadays, I have special things a lot. I like to do special things. When I did special thing, I feel exited but I realized it. I like to show special thing in myself by do that is special thing.
I my life that have education with this school, they gave opportunities for do important and special thing a lot. Because I like to do it, they support me for me about special thing.
When I did the important thing such as examination sometimes I feel nervous, sometimes I feel good, after that I would feel exiting or fear and worry about the result. Almost of my emotion is exiting, I try to think that everything in this world are good such as my examination result.
I am not feel good with all important thing. Something when I do, I feel pressure, because it was important. I think if I cannot do it, I may be give problem for me. So, I will feel worry and think surrounded are pressure me to do it successful. Sometimes I feel If it not success, I will die. Sometime I am indicator about it will success or not. I will worry if I have this situation like that.
In my opinion, I think when people do special or important that well. Because, If they past the moment that they do important thing, they will have special skill like my experience about important thing that I must and should do.