Thursday, 15 November 2007

My parent’s Opinions
My parents have many opinions about society, politic, work etc.
The opinions about society are they boring Thai society. They think the Thai society do not has moral in this society. They boring to hear news about kill, rape etc. They are thinking the society is bad. My mother has much moment in roads. She hates a people who not do follow traffic rules. They drove a car by not interest people in other cars.
My uncle always uses public bus. He is boring about bad bus and bad service of driver. He says to me every day. I think he said that true. I do not like some bus in Bangkok because it is bad for passenger.
My father hates students who do not follow school rule. He hates peoples who do not follow law exactly. He say to me do not escape to study military every Monday. He said that do not escapes follow your friends. He said that do not corruption with teachers.
My uncle says to me that the escaping from school when you do it is a lowest dignity thing. Because, it is total I do not respect teachers and my parents
Most of my parents opinions about society, I agree with my parents, such as the public bus.
About politic of Thailand, they are boring to hear about corruption. They do not give opinions about that a lots. They do not cheer some politic party. Such as, they do not cheer Thaksin or Apisit. They are boring to know politic news. They do not want to know the news about opinions But, I do not agree with my parents about it. My opinion is we should know the news and do not boring it.
About work, my father said Thailand does not have work for me. Some work such as aviation engineer, it is not open opportunities for formal people it only for cadet. Some work he think I should do it at America. I want to be aviation engineer, he say I should go to work and study it in America.

Monday, 5 November 2007

How do you feel when you do something special or important

Nowadays, I have a lot of special things . I like to do a special things. When I did special thing, I felt ecited but that i felt like that. I like to show special thing in myself by doing a special thing.
My life that I have education at this school, they gave opportunities for do important and special things a lot. Because I like to do it, they support me for me about special thing.
When I did the important thing such as examination sometimes I feel nervous, sometimes I feel good, after that I would feel nervous or fear and worry about the result.Most of my emotion is eciting, I try to think that everything in this world is good such as my examination result.
I do not feel good with all important things. Somthing when I did it, I feel pressure, because it was important. I think if I cannot do it, I may give myself problem for me. So, I will feel worried and think environment pressure me to do it successful. Sometimes I feel. If it is not a success, I will die. Sometime myself is the thing that show about it will be a success or not. I will worry if I have this situation like that.
In my opinion, I think when people do special or important are good. Because, If they passed the moment that they do an important thing, they will have special skill like my experience about important things that I must and should do.

How do you feel when you do something special or important

Nowadays, I have special things a lot. I like to do special things. When I did special thing, I feel exited but I realized it. I like to show special thing in myself by do that is special thing.
I my life that have education with this school, they gave opportunities for do important and special thing a lot. Because I like to do it, they support me for me about special thing.
When I did the important thing such as examination sometimes I feel nervous, sometimes I feel good, after that I would feel exiting or fear and worry about the result. Almost of my emotion is exiting, I try to think that everything in this world are good such as my examination result.
I am not feel good with all important thing. Something when I do, I feel pressure, because it was important. I think if I cannot do it, I may be give problem for me. So, I will feel worry and think surrounded are pressure me to do it successful. Sometimes I feel If it not success, I will die. Sometime I am indicator about it will success or not. I will worry if I have this situation like that.
In my opinion, I think when people do special or important that well. Because, If they past the moment that they do important thing, they will have special skill like my experience about important thing that I must and should do.

Thursday, 11 October 2007

World Culture

Nowadays, they have many same things that are doing in whole world. I think it is world culture.
I feel it is good about world culture, because it is thing that do around the world. I think it makes world relation to tighten than past, because if we know culture of other country and we will understand. It will be making peaceful of the world.
Some world culture is not quite good, because it bad. I think the culture that not good is the Thai superstar wear sexy cloth like American superstar. I think it very bad because people can remember them in sexy look. They can think ‘this country the woman wears sexy cloth’, and think the women in this culture are wear like her.
I think the origins of world culture are from America and Europe, because there are many big and mighty countries. Some countries enough follow them.
Some people said the culture that have done up to 200 years should be world culture, such as Chinese culture and Thai culture.
Nowadays, whole world are eating same food, wearing same cloth and do almost thing in same, because culture are going to every countries.
I interviewed foreign, they respect same religion. The educations are same. I think a cause is culture.100 years ago some countries did not has school, but today we school around the world
Last week I knew a lot of culture, I knew it is same in almost counties. It is world culture, it makes relation and peaceful in this world
Cultures are very important in the world. If the world don’t have, world can’t still

World Culture

Nowadays, they have many same things that are doing in whole world. I think it is world culture.
I feel it is good about world culture, because it is thing that do around the world. I think it makes world relation to tighten than past, because if we know culture of other country and we will understand. It will be making peaceful of the world.
Some world culture is not quite good, because it bad. I think the culture that not good is the Thai superstar wear sexy cloth like American superstar. I think it very bad because people can remember them in sexy look. They can think ‘this country the woman wears sexy cloth’, and think the women in this culture are wear like her.
I think the origins of world culture are from America and Europe, because there are many big and mighty countries. Some countries enough follow them.
Some people said the culture that have done up to 200 years should be world culture, such as Chinese culture and Thai culture.
Nowadays, whole world are eating same food, wearing same cloth and do almost thing in same, because culture are going to every countries.
I interviewed foreign, they respect same religion. The educations are same. I think a cause is culture.100 years ago some countries did not has school, but today we school around the world
Last week I knew a lot of culture, I knew it is same in almost counties. It is world culture, it makes relation and peaceful in this world
Cultures are very important in the world. If the world don’t have, world can’t still

Thursday, 4 October 2007

What society expects of me

Nowadays, the society expects a lot from teenagers. I am teenager. Around me is society. They expect a lot from me, it about my education, my future job, quality of my life, etc.
Sometimes, they expect me a lot until I have pressure. They are very serious about education. Around me the expectations are from teachers and my parents. When they expects me to do something, it will be the same story. For example; a teacher expects to me get high marks, in the same way my parents expect me to get high marks.
My parents expect me to learn in famous faculty in university, such as industrial engineering or study in the army academy. They want me to do a job that is good and have much income, such as ship driver, pilot, engineer. They make me practice to have discipline. They make me practice to help myself and people around me.
The school expects me to have a lot of knowledge and a lot of discipline. School must practice students be a good people.
Thai society expects a lot of me. They want teenagers to be good people and help this country.
In my opinion the expectations for me are good. The society expects good things. They hope me to follow the expectations. I agree with expectations for me. I hope it will make me successful in the future. Sometimes, the expectations is serious. Sometimes, it makes pressure for me, but I will follow the society's expectations.
Every parent and school has expectations for teenagers. They expect in the same way, this way is to make a good people in the future.

Thursday, 20 September 2007

The Young people today

The young people today do good deeds and bad deeds, but in my opinion I have bad deeds more than good deeds.
However, I will tell about good deeds first. The thing about teenagers today is they use technology to help them to do thier work easier, for examples is I sent my work to teacher by E-Mail. It is good thinking of teenagers because it does not wastes paper and faster than old methods.
Young people have good suggestion for soceity. Sometimes when they do not like the old people, they will show they do not like then, or if they do not like something in soceity, they will strike in street. I think it a good thing because it show they have power in soceity
However, this power in soceity has a bad side. It concerns bad deeds. If young people have power to suggest social, they will be do it over from limit. Nowadays in my country almost every day, the technical student will fight. It is about honor of institute. In my opinion , it is very crazy.
Some of the common students in school and university are not good. They are smoking and drinking alcohols. They know alcohol is not good, but they still drink it every day, It is same with smoking. I do not understand why they like it.
The babies from young people are increasing in now. They do not think about problems after they love. Many unborn babies have been killed, Many teenagers drop education.
However, most teenagers are good. The bad side is a small part of whole of teenagers. Teenagers have power and performance. The teenagers today will be adult in future.

Wednesday, 19 September 2007


My name is Ham. I am 14 years old. I am a boy. I am a Thai citizen. I am a student. I am studing in Matayom 4. This is my first essay in I will introduce myself.
I am just a little boy in the big city of Thailand. I like many things in my country. I like beautiful scenery and nature in Thailand. I know many peoples from other countries spend a lot of money to visit my country.
My favorite sport is biking. My furtest distance on a bike in one day was about 90 km. I was very tired, but biking is not the whole of my. I have many things to do on upper school. I will do the university entrance exam in the future. I will do work hard so loan use the result in the future. I am very serious about education.
I have one dream in the future, I will be a pilot. I know the work of pilot is very hard. They have good decisions in flight. Before I come to study pilot. I will do many tests, about knowledge, IQ and my mind. I know something about pilot test from the Internet. They said most people couldn’t pass the pilot entrance exam. Now I have much knowledge about airplanes. I am more interested in it, but I don’t know my faculty in future, perhaps the faculty of aviation engineering, or faculty of science about meteology.
I know the future life is not certain. So now I will study hard.
My life is not serious. I have many hobbies to reduce the pressure from study. My life has many thing exiting.It such as sport or play a music.