The young people today do good deeds and bad deeds, but in my opinion I have bad deeds more than good deeds.
However, I will tell about good deeds first. The thing about teenagers today is they use technology to help them to do thier work easier, for examples is I sent my work to teacher by E-Mail. It is good thinking of teenagers because it does not wastes paper and faster than old methods.
Young people have good suggestion for soceity. Sometimes when they do not like the old people, they will show they do not like then, or if they do not like something in soceity, they will strike in street. I think it a good thing because it show they have power in soceity
However, this power in soceity has a bad side. It concerns bad deeds. If young people have power to suggest social, they will be do it over from limit. Nowadays in my country almost every day, the technical student will fight. It is about honor of institute. In my opinion , it is very crazy.
Some of the common students in school and university are not good. They are smoking and drinking alcohols. They know alcohol is not good, but they still drink it every day, It is same with smoking. I do not understand why they like it.
The babies from young people are increasing in now. They do not think about problems after they love. Many unborn babies have been killed, Many teenagers drop education.
However, most teenagers are good. The bad side is a small part of whole of teenagers. Teenagers have power and performance. The teenagers today will be adult in future.
Thursday, 20 September 2007
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I think your opinion about teenager is good and I agree that teenagers have power to do something more than the past and clever. Sometimes teenagers do over the limit. It is not good to fight likes technical student. I am the person who did not like this situation too. It sounds crazy!
Technology is helpful and useful but sometimes teenagers get many bad things from it such as sexual sites, violent sites. It has two sides, so they have to choose what is good for them.
Finally, I want to say that I like your opinion
I think same with you that the teenagers today are not all bad. In the society now has more good teenagers than bad teenagers but it still problem because although in Thailand has not much bad teenagers but it can change the whole society. I think the teenagers have many good deeds too. I agree with you that now the teenagers are good at technology and it is a good thing we can do many thing that people in the past couldn’t.
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